Wellness Screening
Step 1: Sign up
Sign up for a Screening appointment
Step 2: Evolt Scan
Attend your Evolt Scan at the time you signed up for in Step 1
Step 3: Schedule Appointment
Schedule a FREE appointment with a healthcare provider to get your Evolt Scan Results from Step 2
March 28, 2024
Location: Small Classroom North of the Gym
Screening Includes:

FREE Evolt 360 Scan

NDPHIT Onsite Provider to Answer Questions

Provider Counseling & Review of Your Results

Health Risk Assessment
Earn up to $150 HealthyBlue Credit for participating!
$75 for attending screening appointment
Follow-up Visits: $25 for First Dietician-Health Coach or NP consultation | $25 for Third consult | $25 for Sixth Consult
Important to Note:
- Water and/or black coffee are okay. Fasting is recommended for more accurate test results
- Must have appointment made before screening (via Healthie)
- Must book your scan results appointment with a health care provider before you leave the scan room
Screening Tips
1. Fasting is recommended but not required. If you do not fast please limit your meal to steamed vegetables and lean meats. If you choose to fast please do not eat or drink anything except water and your medications 8-12 hours before your appt. If you must take your medication with food please eat only ½ apple or orange, ¼ banana or 1-2 stalks of celery.
2. When registering at the event please clearly print your full legal name on the sign in sheet.
3. Please refrain from using lotion on your hands it may affect your results.
4. Drink plenty of water the day before the screening.
5. Use the restroom before the screening. Having a full bladder can increase your blood pressure.
6. Please wear loose fitting clothing or a tee shirt if possible.
7. Take your time, do not rush to the screening. This can cause an increase in Blood Pressure.

Take Care of Your Health | KNOW YOUR NUMBERS
*Employees without health insurance are not eligible for the free wellness screening